
Monday, March 28, 2022

Rey and BB-8 | a quilt for Raelyn

Making this quilt was a little out of the norm for me but recently a little girl in our circle was diagnosed with cancer so things don’t feel normal. I did what I always do - I made her a quilt, but then I made another identical quilt to raffle for donations to the gofundme that’s been set up to help pay for her two year treatment program. It’s not much, but when I cut and press and sew the fabric I pray. This raffle is one small way to extend that a bit, to help relieve the financial burden on her parents. The quilts both measure about 42” by 52” and they're backed with a super soft cuddle fabric, perfect for a little one or as a lap quilt on the couch. The pattern is by Sam at Hunter's Design Studio, and the mistakes in the quilts (there are a couple, don't look to closely!) are entirely my fault, not hers. The raffle quilt has a gray back and simple straight line quilting, and Rae's quilt has a hot pink back with custom quilting to highlight Rae's clothing and BB-8's shape as well as a swirly star background. Together we raised $1500 for Rae and I couldn't be more thrilled. I never imagined how much support Rey and BB-8 would find in my little online community. It's been truly heartwarming, especially in the midst of so much global tragedy, to hear from people from so many different circles in my life who all want to help ease the burden on Rae's family right now. Thank you so much for helping to make this donation possible. And finally, congratulations to an old friend, Cecelia Murgo who won the raffle quilt and is gifting it to her brand new great-nephew whose dad  loves Star Wars! 🧡 

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