Saturday, February 15, 2020
soft squares | a quilt for Lucia
Our friends Cal and Olga were expecting there first baby, a girl who they named Lucia (Lulu for short!), and I was inspired by Olga's nursery pinterest board to make a super simple and pretty quilt. Bonnie Christine's fabrics were perfect with their soft colors and florals. I didn't want to cut up the fabrics too much so I went with a simple square in a square pattern. I knew Olga liked it when she kept it on her lap as she opened the rest of her gifts and then again later when she posted a photo of it on the side of the crib on instagram :)
retro bloom | a quilt for Siena
Last month I was at Hobby Lobby (my least favorite craft store but it's across the street from Trader Joe's so sometimes I go there for the convenience factor) because I desperately needed webbing. While I was waiting for the webbing to be cut I browsed through the clearance fabric bin and found a cheater print that I deemed cute enough to buy 1.5 yards of. A friend of mine recently had her second baby girl and I hadn't made a quilt yet so this would be perfect! I chose one of Heather Ross's Kinder fabric prints (I love those paper cut boys and girls!) and paired it with some Denyse Schmidt dots and I think an old Amy Butler print for the back. Simple quilting on either side of where all the seams would be if this patchwork actually had seams and a solid aqua binding finishes the project. I love a quick and cute baby quilt!